“Being in unity” is a profound expression which designates a state of harmony and non-separation between oneself and all that exists.
It is a central concept in many spiritual traditions, notably in the philosophy of nonduality.
Here is a detailed exploration of what this means and how one can experience it:
What is Being in Unity?
To be in unity is to recognize that everything is interconnected and that, in essence, there is no separation between “self” and “other”, or between “inner” and “outer”.
It is experiencing reality as it is, without filtering it by judgments, thoughts or illusions of division.
In this state you no longer perceive the world through the boundaries of ego or personal identities.
You feel that you are an expression of the same life or consciousness that animates all that exists.
Unity and Non-Duality
In nonduality, being in unity means going beyond opposites (duality) such as:
– Me/other
– Good/bad
– Past/futur
This is based on the realization that:
– Any distinction between “me” and “the world” is an illusion created by the mind.
– What we really are (our deep essence) is a unique, immutable and omnipresent consciousness, which is both the witness to all experiences and their substrate.
Be in unity with yourself
Before feeling in unity with the world, you must often start by being in unity with yourself:
– Accept all facets of your being: your strengths, your weaknesses, your thoughts and your emotions, without rejecting or judging them.
– Recognize that you are already complete: You do not need to become “someone else” to be in unity; it is an innate quality, hidden behind mental and emotional turmoil.
Example: When you are totally present with your emotions, even difficult ones, without running away from them or manipulating them, you get closer to this state of inner unity.
Be in unity with others
When you look at another person through the filters of the ego, you see differences: appearance, beliefs, behaviors.
Being in unity means seeing beyond differences and recognizing that the essence of the other is the same as yours.
Example: In a deep and sincere conversation, where the masks fall, you can feel a connection that goes beyond words. This is a glimpse of unity
Be in unity with nature
Nature offers a privileged way to experience unity:
– When you walk in a forest or gaze at the sea, there may be a moment when the separation between “you” and “nature” disappears. You no longer feel “an observer” but an integral part of the whole.
– This state occurs when the mind quiets and you simply allow yourself to “be.”
Obstacles to unity
The ego: It creates a separate identity (“I am this, not that”) and struggles to maintain this separation.
Conditioning: Society, beliefs and past experiences reinforce the idea of duality.
Judgments: We continually categorize reality into “good/bad”, “me/other”, which prevents us from seeing the underlying unity.
How to experience unity?
Mindfulness practice: Be fully present to what is, without judgment or thought. This can be done through meditation, observing nature, or even paying attention to a simple task.
Example: When you eat, instead of thinking about other things, fully experience the texture, taste and feel of the food.
Let go of the ego: Question the idea of a separate “me”. Who are you, beyond your name, your thoughts and your story?
Observe the interconnectedness: Think about how everything is connected. For example, the breath you take contains air that has passed through countless living things and landscapes.
Cultivate unconditional love: Try to see others as expressions of the same life as you. This dissolves barriers of judgment.
Fully accept what is: Unity can only be experienced in the present moment. The more you accept the moment as it is, the more you open yourself to the experience of oneness.
A metaphor for understanding unity
Imagine the ocean and its waves:
– Each wave appears distinct, with its own beginning, end, size and shape.
– Yet all waves are just the ocean itself, in different forms.
To be in unity is to realize that, like the waves, we are unique expressions of the same universal “ocean”.
The effects of being in unity
Inner peace: By recognizing that everything is connected, the struggle against reality calms down.
Love and compassion: You see others and the world as part of yourself, which fosters deeper, more authentic relationships.
Clarity and freedom: The experience of oneness dissolves fears and attachments, as you realize that you are already complete.
In summary
To be in unity is to live in a deep recognition that:
– You are one with life, with others, and with all that is.
– Separation is only an illusion created by the mind.
– This unity is already there, accessible in every moment, when you are fully present and you let go of the filters of the ego.
It is an experience of wholeness and connection that transcends the limits of individuality, offering a broader, free and peaceful vision of reality.